Blindfold White Pinot Noir 750 ml
Born from the dark, provocative world of The Prisoner Wine Company, Blindfold Blanc de Noir White Pinot Noir white wine is a still white wine blend that explores light, luxury, and sensuality. Crafted to awaken the senses, this zingy and bright California white wine features flavors of fresh citrus, white flower, white peach, and a hint of tart cranberry. It's a White Pinot Noir that is delicate but lively, elegant but zesty. This Sonoma County wine is made predominantly from Pinot Noir grapes hand-harvested and then directly pressed. Blended with viognier and gewürztraminer varietals, this light, vibrant California Blanc de Noir offers a rich mouthfeel. Enjoy a glass of wine on its own, or pair with chilled oysters, roasted whitefish, crab, lobster, cream-based soups and sauces, sautéed mushrooms, or a crudité platter. For best taste, chill this 750mL bottle of wine for two to two and a half hours before serving at approximately 50°F Please enjoy our wines responsibly. © 2024 The Prisoner Wine Company, Oakville, CA